A B C D E F G I J L M O P R S T U W 


AbstractConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
Basic Connector implementations like getter and Setter of contentResolver, objectResolver.
AbstractConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
AbstractObjectResolver - Class in org.settings4j.objectresolver
Basic Connector implementations like getter and Setter of contentResolver, objectResolver.
AbstractObjectResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
AbstractPropertyConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
Basic Implementation of Connectors whiche are Property-related.
AbstractPropertyConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractPropertyConnector
addConnector(Connector) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
Add a Connector if you needed inside the Connector.init() Methode.
addConnector(Connector) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
Add a Connector if you needed inside the Connector.init() Methode.
addConnector(Connector) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
Add a Connector if you needed inside the Connector.init() Methode.
addConnector(Connector) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
Add a Connector if you needed inside the Connector.init() Methode.
addConnector(Connector) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
Add a Connector.
addConnector(Connector, ConnectorPosition) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
Add a custom Connector to the right position in relation to the other connectors.
addConnector(Connector) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
Add a Connector.
addConnector(Connector, ConnectorPosition) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
Add a custom Connector to the right position in relation to the other connectors.
addContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in interface org.settings4j.ContentResolver
Some Implementations of a ContentResolver are delegating the functionality to other ContentResolvers.
addContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.ClasspathContentResolver
Some Implementations of a ContentResolver are delegating the functionality to other ContentResolvers.
addContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FilteredContentResolverWrapper
Some Implementations of a ContentResolver are delegating the functionality to other ContentResolvers.
addContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FSContentResolver
Some Implementations of a ContentResolver are delegating the functionality to other ContentResolvers.
addContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.UnionContentResolver
Some Implementations of a ContentResolver are delegating the functionality to other ContentResolvers.
addExclude(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Filter
Add an exclude Pattern (Which pattern-Syntax is determinate by the implementation).
addExclude(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultFilter
Add an exclude Pattern (Which pattern-Syntax is determinate by the implementation).
addExpressionAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Add a ExpressionAttribute like ('ContextPath', 'myApp').
addInclude(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Filter
Add an include Pattern (Which pattern-Syntax is determinate by the implementation).
addInclude(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultFilter
Add an include Pattern (Which pattern-Syntax is determinate by the implementation).
addObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
Some Implementations of a ObjectResolver are delegating the functionality to other ObjectResolvers.
addObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in interface org.settings4j.ObjectResolver
Some Implementations of a ObjectResolver are delegating the functionality to other ObjectResolvers.
addObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.FilteredObjectResolverWrapper
Some Implementations of a ObjectResolver are delegating the functionality to other ObjectResolvers.
addObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.UnionObjectResolver
Some Implementations of a ObjectResolver are delegating the functionality to other ObjectResolvers.
after(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
afterFirst(Class<? extends Connector>) - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
afterLast(Class<? extends Connector>) - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
atFirst() - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
atLast() - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions


before(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
beforeFirst(Class<? extends Connector>) - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
beforeLast(Class<? extends Connector>) - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
ByteArrayXMLApplicationContext - Class in org.settings4j.helper.spring
A SpringFramework Application Context which can process a spring-XML Content from byte[] as input.
ByteArrayXMLApplicationContext(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.spring.ByteArrayXMLApplicationContext


CachedConnectorWrapper - Class in org.settings4j.connector
Wrap a Connector and caches all Values.
CachedConnectorWrapper(Connector) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.ClasspathContentResolver
Pseudo URL prefix for loading from the class path: "classpath:".
ClasspathConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
Connector implementation to read Settings from the Classpath.
ClasspathConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.ClasspathConnector
ClasspathContentResolver - Class in org.settings4j.contentresolver
ContentResolver implementation to read content from the Classpath.
ClasspathContentResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.contentresolver.ClasspathContentResolver
clearCachedValue(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
ConfigurationToConnectorAdapter - Class in org.settings4j.helper.configuration
Adapter to use an Apache Commons Configuration as Settings4j connector.
ConfigurationToConnectorAdapter(String, Configuration) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.configuration.ConfigurationToConnectorAdapter
configure(URL, Settings4jRepository) - Static method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Connector - Interface in org.settings4j
An implementation of this Interface can return Values for a given key.
CONNECTOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.settings4j.helper.web.DefaultPropertiesLoader
The Name of the Connector which will be added to the Settings4j Config.
ConnectorPosition - Interface in org.settings4j
Interface to show on which position a Connector should be added with List.add(int, Object).
ConnectorPositionAfterFirstClass - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Iterates thought the existing connectors and return the position after the first occurrence of the given Connector-class.
ConnectorPositionAfterFirstClass(Class<? extends Connector>) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAfterFirstClass
ConnectorPositionAfterLastClass - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Iterates thought the existing connectors and return the position after the last occurrence of the given Connector-class.
ConnectorPositionAfterLastClass(Class<? extends Connector>) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAfterLastClass
ConnectorPositionAfterName - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Iterates thought the existing connectors and return the position after the the connector with the given name.
ConnectorPositionAfterName(String) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAfterName
ConnectorPositionAtFirst - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Return the first position of the connectors list.
ConnectorPositionAtFirst() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAtFirst
ConnectorPositionAtLast - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Return the last position of the connectors list.
ConnectorPositionAtLast() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAtLast
ConnectorPositionBeforeFirstClass - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Iterates thought the existing connectors and return the position before the first occurrence of the given Connector-class.
ConnectorPositionBeforeFirstClass(Class<? extends Connector>) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionBeforeFirstClass
ConnectorPositionBeforeLastClass - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Iterates thought the existing connectors and return the position before the last occurrence of the given Connector-class.
ConnectorPositionBeforeLastClass(Class<? extends Connector>) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionBeforeLastClass
ConnectorPositionBeforeName - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Iterates thought the existing connectors and return the position before the the connector with the given name.
ConnectorPositionBeforeName(String) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionBeforeName
ConnectorPositionFirstValid - Class in org.settings4j.settings.position
Iterates thought the given ConnectorPositions and returns the first valid position from the given implementations.
ConnectorPositionFirstValid(ConnectorPosition...) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionFirstValid
ConnectorPositions - Class in org.settings4j
Constants - Class in org.settings4j
Some Constants like the Return Values (success or not) of Connectors.set*(...)
ContentResolver - Interface in org.settings4j
a ContentResolver is a Helper for read/write byte[] content for a given key.
contentToObject(String, Properties, byte[], ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
Method to convert the given content-File to an Object must be implemented by SubClasses.
contentToObject(String, Properties, byte[], ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.JavaXMLBeansObjectResolver
Method to convert the given content-File to an Object must be implemented by SubClasses.
contentToObject(String, Properties, byte[], ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.SpringConfigObjectResolver
Method to convert the given content-File to an Object must be implemented by SubClasses.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.DefaultPropertiesLoaderListener
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoaderListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.DefaultPropertiesLoaderListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoaderListener
createContextLoader() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jContextLoaderListener
createDefaultPropertiesLoader() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jContextLoader
Create the DefaultPropertiesLoader to use.
createDefaultPropertiesLoader() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoader
Create the DefaultPropertiesLoader to use.
customizeContext(ServletContext, ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jContextLoader


DEFAULT_FALLBACK_CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in class org.settings4j.settings.SettingsManager
The fallback settings4j.xml who is used if not settings4j.xml where found.
DEFAULT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.settings4j.helper.web.DefaultPropertiesLoader
The Init-Parameter Name from the web.xml from where the default properties can be used.
DEFAULT_XML_CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in class org.settings4j.settings.SettingsManager
The Classpath-Location of the settings4j.xml who i readed by default.
DefaultFilter - Class in org.settings4j.settings
The Default Implementation uses the RegEx-Pattern Expressions to evaluate the includes and excludes.
DefaultFilter() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultFilter
DefaultPropertiesLoader - Class in org.settings4j.helper.web
Implementation which loads Default Properties from web.xml Init-Paramters and adds a Property connector to Settings4j.
DefaultPropertiesLoader() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.web.DefaultPropertiesLoader
DefaultPropertiesLoaderListener - Class in org.settings4j.helper.web
ServletContextListener to initialize the DefaultPropertiesLoader.
DefaultPropertiesLoaderListener() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.web.DefaultPropertiesLoaderListener
DefaultSettings - Class in org.settings4j.settings
The default Settings Object.
DefaultSettings() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
DefaultSettingsFactory - Class in org.settings4j.settings
This default Factory uses the DefaultSettings Implementation.
DefaultSettingsFactory() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettingsFactory
DefaultSettingsRepository - Class in org.settings4j.settings
This class is specialized in retrieving settings by name and also maintaining the settings hierarchy.
DefaultSettingsRepository() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettingsRepository
doConfigure(URL) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
DOMConfigurator - Class in org.settings4j.config
DOMConfigurator(Settings4jRepository) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Configure the given Settings4jRepository with an XMl-configuration (see settings4j.dtd).


ELConnectorWrapper - Class in org.settings4j.util
This Wrapper makes the Getter-Methods of Connectors simply accessible by Expressionlanguages like JSP 2.0, Velocity or Freemarker.
ELConnectorWrapper(Connector[]) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.util.ELConnectorWrapper
The list of all connectors, where Values can be searched.
EnvironmentConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
The Environment variable implementation of an Connector.
EnvironmentConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.EnvironmentConnector
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.SAXErrorHandler
evaluateExpressionLanguage(String, Map) - Static method in class org.settings4j.util.ExpressionLanguageUtil
Helper-Function to evaluate a Expression to a String.
evaluateExpressionLanguage(String, Map, Class) - Static method in class org.settings4j.util.ExpressionLanguageUtil
Helper-Function to evaluate a Expression to a given Class.
ExpressionLanguageUtil - Class in org.settings4j.util
A Simple Variable Resolver for ExpressionLanguage.


fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.SAXErrorHandler
FILE_URL_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FSContentResolver
Pseudo URL prefix for loading from the class path: "classpath:".
Filter - Interface in org.settings4j
Interface to implement an cumied filter.
FilteredConnectorWrapper - Class in org.settings4j.connector
Wrapper to add a Filter which is used before the given Connector is called.
FilteredConnectorWrapper(Connector, Filter) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
FilteredContentResolverWrapper - Class in org.settings4j.contentresolver
Wrapper to add a Filter which is used before the given ContentResolver is called.
FilteredContentResolverWrapper(ContentResolver, Filter) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FilteredContentResolverWrapper
FilteredObjectResolverWrapper - Class in org.settings4j.objectresolver
Wrapper to add a Filter which is used before the given ObjectResolver is called.
FilteredObjectResolverWrapper(ObjectResolver, Filter) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.objectresolver.FilteredObjectResolverWrapper
findConnectorByName(Document, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse connectors by IDREF name.
findConnectorByReference(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse connectors by IDREF element.
findContentResolverByName(Document, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse contentResolvers by IDREF name.
findContentResolverByReference(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse contentResolvers by IDREF element.
findObjectResolverByName(Document, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse objectResolvers by IDREF name.
findObjectResolverByReference(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse objectResolvers by IDREF element.
firstValid(ConnectorPosition...) - Static method in class org.settings4j.ConnectorPositions
FSConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
The FileSystem implementation of an Connector.
FSConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
FSContentResolver - Class in org.settings4j.contentresolver
ContentResolver implementation to read content from the File System.
FSContentResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FSContentResolver


getBean(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.ByteArrayXMLApplicationContext
Static method to get a single Bean from a Spring Configuration XML.
getCharset() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.ClasspathConnector
getCharset() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
getClassLoader() - Static method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.ClasspathContentResolver
Return the default ClassLoader to use: typically the thread context ClassLoader, if available; the ClassLoader that loaded the ClasspathContentResolver class will be used as fallback.
getConfigResources() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.ByteArrayXMLApplicationContext
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.configuration.ConfigurationToConnectorAdapter
getConnector(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
Return the Connector for the given Name.
getConnector(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.Settings4j
Return the Connector for the given Name.
getConnector(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
Return the Connector for the given Name.
getConnectorCount() - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettingsRepository
Return the Connector Count.
getConnectorCount() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jRepository
Return the Connector Count.
getConnectors(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Return all referenced connectors from Child-Nodes DOMConfigurator.CONNECTOR_REF_TAG.
getConnectors() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
getConnectors() - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
Return a List off Connector who can be used with this Settings4jInstance instance.
getConnectors() - Static method in class org.settings4j.Settings4j
Return a List off Connector who can be used with this Settings4j instance.
getConnectors() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
Return a List off Connector who can be used with this Settings4jInstance instance.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractPropertyConnector
return a byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
return a byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.ClasspathConnector
return a byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
return a byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
return a byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
return a byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
return a byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.ClasspathContentResolver
Reads the Content for the given Key or null if nothing where found.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FilteredContentResolverWrapper
Reads the Content for the given Key or null if nothing where found.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FSContentResolver
Reads the Content for the given Key or null if nothing where found.
getContent(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.ContentResolver
Reads the Content for the given Key or null if nothing where found.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.UnionContentResolver
Reads the Content for the given Key or null if nothing where found.
getContent(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
return the found byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.Settings4j
return the found byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
return the found byte[]-Value for the given key.
getContent() - Method in class org.settings4j.util.ELConnectorWrapper
Usage: ${connectors.content['xyz']} returns the first founded Value in all Connectors: connector.getContent("xyz");.
getContentResolver() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
getContextPathPrefix() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
getDefaultObject() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
getExpectedType() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
Return the type that the configured object is supposed to be assignable to, if any.
getIsJNDIAvailable() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
getKey() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
getMapping() - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
The key mapping defined in settings4j.xml.
getMapping() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
The key mapping defined in settings4j.xml.
getName() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
getName() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
Return The name Of this Connector.
getName() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
Return The name Of this Connector.
getName() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
Return The name Of this Connector.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractPropertyConnector
return a Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
return a Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.ClasspathConnector
return a Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
return a Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
return a Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
return a Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
return a Object-Value for the given key.
getObject() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
getObject(String, ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
Reads the byte[] content from the ContentResolver and creates an Object.
getObject(String, ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.FilteredObjectResolverWrapper
Reads the byte[] content from the ContentResolver and creates an Object.
getObject(String, ContentResolver) - Method in interface org.settings4j.ObjectResolver
Reads the byte[] content from the ContentResolver and creates an Object.
getObject(String, ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.UnionObjectResolver
Reads the byte[] content from the ContentResolver and creates an Object.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
return the found Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.Settings4j
return the found Object-Value for the given key.
getObject(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
return the found Object-Value for the given key.
getObject() - Method in class org.settings4j.util.ELConnectorWrapper
Usage: ${connectors.object['xyz']} returns the first founded Value in all Connectors: connector.getObject("xyz");.
getObjectProperties(String, ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
To get the additional Properties for the given byte[] content can be overwriten by subclasses.
getObjectResolver() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
getObjectResolverKey() - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
getObjectType() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in interface org.settings4j.ConnectorPosition
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAfterFirstClass
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAfterLastClass
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAfterName
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAtFirst
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionAtLast
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionBeforeFirstClass
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionBeforeLastClass
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionBeforeName
getPosition(List<Connector>) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.position.ConnectorPositionFirstValid
getPreferenceValue(String, String, String, Preferences) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PreferencesConnector
Resolve the given path and key against the given Preferences.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractPropertyConnector
Very similar to System.getProperty except that the SecurityException is hidden.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.EnvironmentConnector
Very similar to System.getenv except that the SecurityException is hidden.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PreferencesConnector
Very similar to System.getProperty except that the SecurityException is hidden.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PropertyFileConnector
Very similar to System.getProperty except that the SecurityException is hidden.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.SystemPropertyConnector
Very similar to System.getProperty except that the SecurityException is hidden.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.configuration.ConfigurationToConnectorAdapter
getPropertySuffix() - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
getResource(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.ClasspathContentResolver
Method to get onlx the URL for the given Key.
getRootFolder() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
return the root of this FileSystem ContenResolver.
getRootFolder() - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FSContentResolver
return the root of this FileSystem ContenResolver.
getSettings() - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettingsRepository
getSettings(Settings4jFactory) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettingsRepository
Retrieve the appropriate Settings4j instance or create it with the give factory if doesn'r already exist.
getSettings() - Static method in class org.settings4j.settings.SettingsManager
Retrieve the appropriate Settings4j instance.
getSettings() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jRepository
Retrieve the appropriate Settings4j instance.
getSettings(Settings4jFactory) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jRepository
Retrieve the appropriate Settings4j instance or create it with the give factory if doesn'r already exist.
getSettingsRepository() - Static method in class org.settings4j.settings.SettingsManager
The internal default Settings4j Repository where all Settings4j are stored.
getSettingsRepository() - Static method in class org.settings4j.Settings4j
Get the Settings4jRepository where this Settings-Object is stored.
getString(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractPropertyConnector
return a String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
return a String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.ClasspathConnector
return a String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
return a String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
return a String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
return a String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
return a String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
return the found String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.Settings4j
return the found String-Value for the given key.
getString(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
return the found String-Value for the given key.
getString() - Method in class org.settings4j.util.ELConnectorWrapper
Usage: ${connectors.string['xyz']} returns the first founded Value in all Connectors: connector.getString("xyz");.


init() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
Will be called after all properties have been set.
init() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
Will be called after all properties have been set.
init() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
Will be called after all properties have been set.
init() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
Will be called after all properties have been set.
initDefaultProperties(ServletContext) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.DefaultPropertiesLoader
If the InitParameter "settings4jDefaultProperties" exists in the given ServletContext, then a Connector will be added to Settings4j.
initLog4jConfiguration(ServletContext) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoader
If the InitParameter "Settings4jLog4jConfigurationKey" exists in the given ServletContext, then Log4j will be configured with it.
initLogging(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoader
isCached() - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
isJNDIAvailable() - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
check if a JNDI context is available and sets the internal Flag setIsJNDIAvailable(Boolean).
isSingleton() - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
isValid(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Filter
Return true if the key is not filtered out.
isValid(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultFilter
Return true if the key is not filtered out.


JavaXMLBeansObjectResolver - Class in org.settings4j.objectresolver
This ObjectResolver convert a byte[] to an Object with the XMLDecoder.
JavaXMLBeansObjectResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.objectresolver.JavaXMLBeansObjectResolver
JNDIConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
The JNDI Context implementation of an Connector.
JNDIConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector


log(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoader
Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given Throwable exception to the servlet log file.
log(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoader
Writes the specified message to a servlet log file, usually an event log.
LOG4J_CONFIG_SETTINGS4JKEY - Static variable in class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoader
Key for log4j configuration.
Log4jConfigurationLoader - Class in org.settings4j.helper.web
With this Implementation you can define a Key in your web.xml (init-parameter "settings4jLog4jConfigurationKey") with that you can configure your Path to your log4j.xml.
Log4jConfigurationLoader() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoader
Log4jConfigurationLoaderListener - Class in org.settings4j.helper.web
ServletContextListener to initialize the Log4jConfigurationLoader.
Log4jConfigurationLoaderListener() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.web.Log4jConfigurationLoaderListener


makeNewSettingsInstance() - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettingsFactory
The default implementation makes a new DefaultSettings(String name) instance.
makeNewSettingsInstance() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jFactory
The default implementation makes a new DefaultSettings(String name) instance.
MatchPatternTransformer - Class in org.settings4j.util
This Transformer implements the function for a LazyMap with Key=String (=RegEx) and Value=Boolean (=Result).
MatchPatternTransformer(String) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.util.MatchPatternTransformer


ObjectResolver - Interface in org.settings4j
The ObjectResolver is a Helper to resolve byte[] Content to a Java Object.
org.settings4j - package org.settings4j
org.settings4j.config - package org.settings4j.config
org.settings4j.connector - package org.settings4j.connector
org.settings4j.contentresolver - package org.settings4j.contentresolver
org.settings4j.helper.configuration - package org.settings4j.helper.configuration
org.settings4j.helper.spring - package org.settings4j.helper.spring
org.settings4j.helper.web - package org.settings4j.helper.web
org.settings4j.objectresolver - package org.settings4j.objectresolver
org.settings4j.settings - package org.settings4j.settings
org.settings4j.settings.position - package org.settings4j.settings.position
org.settings4j.util - package org.settings4j.util


parse(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to configure the settings4j framework by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements based on settings4j.dtd.
parseChildrenOfSettingsElement(Element, Settings4jInstance) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse the children of a settings element.
parseConnector(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse an connector element.
parseContentResolver(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse an contentResolver element.
parseFilter(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse an Filter element.
parseMapping(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse an mapping element.
parseObjectResolver(Element) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
Used internally to parse an objectResolver element.
parseStringValue(String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer
Parse the given String with Placeholder "${...}" and returns the result.
parseStringValue(String, String) - Static method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer
Parse the given String with Placeholder "${...}" and returns the result.
parseStringValue(String, String, Properties) - Static method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer
Parse the given String with Placeholder "${...}" and returns the result.
PreferencesConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
Connector which uses the Preferences feature of Java.
PreferencesConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.PreferencesConnector
Default Constructor initialize the User and System Preferences.
PROP_CACHED - Static variable in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
The Key if the found Object should be cached (this will handle the Object as singleton).
PROP_OBJECT_RESOLVER_KEY - Static variable in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
The Key which ObjectResolver implementation should be used.
PropertyFileConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
The Properties-File implementation of an Connector.
PropertyFileConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.PropertyFileConnector


rebindToContext(String, Object) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
removeAllConnectors() - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
Remove all Settings.
removeAllConnectors() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
Remove all Settings.
resetConfiguration() - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettingsRepository
Remove the Settings, Connectors and other Objects from the Repository.
resetConfiguration() - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jRepository
Remove the Settings, Connectors and other Objects from the Repository.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.Settings4jEntityResolver
resolvePlaceholder(String, Properties) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer


SAXErrorHandler - Class in org.settings4j.config
Error Handler for parsing the settings4j.xml.
SAXErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.config.SAXErrorHandler
setCached(boolean) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
setCharset(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.ClasspathConnector
setCharset(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
setContent(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
setContent(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FSContentResolver
setContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
setContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
set a ContentResolver as Helper for Connector.getContent(String).
setContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.ClasspathConnector
set a ContentResolver as Helper for Connector.getContent(String).
setContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
set a ContentResolver as Helper for Connector.getContent(String).
setContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
set a ContentResolver as Helper for Connector.getContent(String).
setContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
set a ContentResolver as Helper for Connector.getContent(String).
setContextPathPrefix(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
setDefaultObject(Object) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
setExpectedType(Class) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
Specify the type that the configured object is supposed to be assignable to, if any.
setInitialContextFactory(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
setIsJNDIAvailable(Boolean) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
setKey(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
setMapping(Map) - Method in class org.settings4j.settings.DefaultSettings
Set the mapping for this Settings-Object without inheritance.
setMapping(Map) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Settings4jInstance
Set the mapping for this Settings-Object without inheritance.
setName(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
setName(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
Set the name of the Connector defined in the settings4j.xml configuration: -------------------------------------- <connector name="PropertyFileConnector" ....
setName(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
Set the name of the Connector defined in the settings4j.xml configuration: -------------------------------------- <connector name="PropertyFileConnector" ....
setName(String) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
Set the name of the Connector defined in the settings4j.xml configuration: -------------------------------------- <connector name="PropertyFileConnector" ....
setObject(String, Object) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
Set or replace a new Value for the given key.
setObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.AbstractConnector
setObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.CachedConnectorWrapper
set a ObjectResolver as Helper for Connector.getObject(String).
setObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FilteredConnectorWrapper
set a ObjectResolver as Helper for Connector.getObject(String).
setObjectResolver(ObjectResolver) - Method in interface org.settings4j.Connector
set a ObjectResolver as Helper for Connector.getObject(String).
setPreferenceValue(String, String, String, Preferences) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PreferencesConnector
Resolve the given path and key against the given Preferences.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer
setProperty(Properties) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PropertyFileConnector
setPropertyFromContent(byte[]) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PropertyFileConnector
setPropertyFromPath(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PropertyFileConnector
setPropertySuffix(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.objectresolver.AbstractObjectResolver
setProviderUrl(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
setRootFolderPath(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
Delegate the rootFolderPath to the FSContentResolver.setRootFolderPath(String).
setRootFolderPath(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.contentresolver.FSContentResolver
setSingleton(boolean) - Method in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
setString(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.FSConnector
setString(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PreferencesConnector
Stores the given Value into the User-Preferences.
setSystemString(String, String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.PreferencesConnector
Stores the given Value into the System-Preferences.
SETTING_NOT_POSSIBLE - Static variable in class org.settings4j.Constants
SETTING_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.settings4j.Constants
Settings4j - Class in org.settings4j
Settings is used to get simply access to Application settings.
SETTINGS4J_CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM - Static variable in class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jContextLoader
Name of servlet context parameter (i.e., "settings4jContextConfigLocation") that can specify the config location for the root context, falling back to the implementation's default otherwise.
Settings4jContextLoader - Class in org.settings4j.helper.spring
Spring Context Loader which can replaces Placeholders in contextConfigLocations like "${...}" with Values from Settings4j.
Settings4jContextLoader() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jContextLoader
Settings4jContextLoaderListener - Class in org.settings4j.helper.spring
ServletContextListener to initialize the Settings4jContextLoader.
Settings4jContextLoaderListener() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jContextLoaderListener
Settings4jEntityResolver - Class in org.settings4j.config
An EntityResolver specifically designed to return settings4j.dtd which is embedded within the settings4j jar file.
Settings4jEntityResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.config.Settings4jEntityResolver
Settings4jFactory - Interface in org.settings4j
Create a new instance of Settings-Interface.
Settings4jFactoryBean - Class in org.settings4j.helper.spring
BeanFactory which gets the Object from Settings4j.getObject(String).
Settings4jFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jFactoryBean
Settings4jInstance - Interface in org.settings4j
SettingsInstance is used to get simply access to Application settings.
Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer - Class in org.settings4j.helper.spring
Subclass of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer uses the Settings4j API.
Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer
Settings4jRepository - Interface in org.settings4j
Holder for a single Settings4jInstance.
SettingsManager - Class in org.settings4j.settings
manage the Settings4jRepository which is used to store the configuration from the settings4j.xml.
setUrlPkgPrefixes(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.connector.JNDIConnector
SpringConfigObjectResolver - Class in org.settings4j.objectresolver
This implementation parses a Spring-Beans XML File and returns the Object from the generated Spring Application Context.
SpringConfigObjectResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.objectresolver.SpringConfigObjectResolver
subst(String, Connector[]) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
This function will replace expressions like ${connectors.string['']}.
subst(String, Connector[], Class) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.DOMConfigurator
This function will replace expressions like ${connectors.object['']} or simply ${true}.
SystemPropertyConnector - Class in org.settings4j.connector
The SystemProperties implementation of an Connector.
SystemPropertyConnector() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.connector.SystemPropertyConnector


transform(String) - Method in class org.settings4j.util.MatchPatternTransformer


UnionContentResolver - Class in org.settings4j.contentresolver
The UnionContentResolver can be an container for many other ContentResolver which will be processed in sequence.
UnionContentResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.contentresolver.UnionContentResolver
Default Constructor.
UnionContentResolver(ContentResolver) - Constructor for class org.settings4j.contentresolver.UnionContentResolver
Constructor with the first ContentResolver.
UnionObjectResolver - Class in org.settings4j.objectresolver
The UnionObjectResolver can be an container for many other ObjectResolver which will be processed in sequence.
UnionObjectResolver() - Constructor for class org.settings4j.objectresolver.UnionObjectResolver
UNKNOWN_POSITION - Static variable in interface org.settings4j.ConnectorPosition
the position value it the position cannot be determined.


warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.settings4j.config.SAXErrorHandler
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